Is Dental Floss FSA Eligible?
Published on 3/7/2025

For employees who participate in their company’s flexible spending benefit, the savings can be immeasurable. But flexible spending accounts (FSAs) aren’t actually a means to pay for just anything. They come with specific rules about how (and when) funds can be used.
So, it stands to reason that many customers would ask whether dental floss is FSA eligible. After all, this regular purchase can really add up over time!
In truth, the topic at hand isn’t as complicated as it might seem. Let’s dive into the topic of FSAs to see if your purchase of dental floss is FSA eligible.
What is an FSA?
A flexible spending account (FSA) is essentially a pre-tax savings account you can set up through your employer. Once arranged, money will be transferred into the account before taxes are collected. This is a great way of both saving and lowering your total taxable income, which finance experts would say is ideal.
To use money from your FSA, you must make a qualified purchase. But what is and isn’t qualified? And who determines that qualification? Read on!
How Much Can I Contribute to My FSA?
If you take part in your employer’s FSA benefit, you can contribute a maximum of $3,300 per calendar year to your FSA. But unlike health savings accounts, only a portion of that can be rolled over between years.
How Much Can Be Rolled Over?
Per the IRS, the current amount that can be carried over between calendar years in an FSA is $660. Of course, should policies change, that number could increase or decrease over time.
Qualified Purchases
But let’s get into the specifics you want. Namely: the FSA and dental floss.
You might be surprised to learn that the IRS determines what does or doesn’t qualify for FSA purchases. That’s because the money is non-taxed. This is essentially the IRS’ way of making sure your FSA doesn’t become a tax-free haven for all your money.
According to the IRS’ list of qualified FSA items, there are countless medical items that are eligible expenses. Each can be paid for through a flexible spending account. Medical expenses include things like ambulance rides, surgeries, etc.
On the dental side, the list is a bit shorter. Qualified expenses on the list include X-rays, dental treatments like cleanings, etc.
If you pay for qualified expenses out of pocket, you may be eligible for reimbursement from your FSA.
But what about dental floss, you’re likely asking. Is dental floss FSA eligible?
Though it’s not specifically listed, the IRS does note that personal expenses are not qualified. They use toothpaste and toothbrushes as an example of a personal expense. So, with a little deduction, we can assume that dental floss would count as a personal expense. And unfortunately, being a personal expense, we can say definitively that dental floss isn’t FSA eligible.
Save on Your Dental Procedures
Although dental floss isn’t FSA eligible, you can still stand to save. Consider using your FSA for regular and emergency dental procedures. And Dentologie is here to deliver best-in-class, FSA-eligible dental care.
If you’re in need of a cleaning, dental surgery, or anything in between, our dentists are here to delight you. Our offices in Seattle and Chicago offer a friendly setting, with expert, FSA-eligible care.